Mortgage Originator NMLS List

Secure and Fair Enforcement Licensing Act of 2008

Title V of the Housing Economic Recovery Act of 2008, the Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008 (S.A.F.E. Act or Act) is intended to improve the accountability and tracking of residential mortgage loan originators (MLOs), provide protection for consumers, reduce fraud, and provide consumers with information regarding MLOs.  Registration is required for Mortgage Loan Originators who work for an agency regulated institution.

The following website will provide you with information about all mortgage loan originators who are either licensed and/or registered:

The registered mortgage loan originators employed by BankNewport are listed below with their unique identifier.  This identifier will be required to access the information pertaining to a particular mortgage loan originator.

Individual NMLS ID Individual Last Name Individual First Name
750841 Almeida Jessica
1366778 Baron Joseph
788099 Bergeron Elaine
828936 Biederman Angela
2425792 Borden Leslie
774695 Bouchard Dawn
1151535 Brackett Jaclyn
1026247 Bradshaw Serina
2518934 Brodeur Amanda
2380938 Brunet Kyle
1789442 Brzoska Debra
753488 Burns Patrick
1216024 Cabral Carlos
574369 Carnevale Mark
840399 Colasanti Matt
2499547 Costa Caitlin
2089658 Courtemanche Alison
828916 Couto Jessica
1584659 Cunningham Brian
1490332 DeSantis Gina
774696 Dias Linda
2646320 DiPalma Devon
2516545 Dolin Hans
2502029 Drennon Nicolas
2580235 Duhamel Hannah
2272304 Dupont Danielle
1372269 Duval Lindsey
1729678 Eaddy William
1729694 Eldridge Kristen
2516548 Forcino Stephen
1228592 Franco Anthony
2283856 Gardner Briona
2497334 Gramstorff Richard
708523 Greenwood Ronald
1549142 Gridelli Christopher
2302088 Harkins Kelly
5262 Haynes Karl
1566996 Henley Larry
2502449 Hinds Ramon
1176823 Horner Michele
2107174 Hurley Jennifer
2449033 Hutnak Anthony
2647649 Ibbotson Colby
2580994 Ibrahim Antoine
1849587 Imondi Ashley
2581752 Janoske Dylan
2477546 Johanning Gregory
1084388 Kenahan Stephanie
788103 Kestler Robyn
1469504 Koemm Shannon
1623902 Konen Jennifer
111938 Krikorian Violet
2239561 Kubricky Jonathan
1535902 Lacerda Stephanie
2128862 LaRose Kayla
680438 Lauro Gina
807376 Leveille Darleen
2579541 Laffey Logan
2381561 Lovely Seth
1974437 Luck Emma
2409990 Machado Adelino
2420359 Mack Charles
1729325 Mallo Erin
1729330 McGreavy Margaret
2146314 McKenna Laura
1907671 Meldrum Brooke
1128023 Mendes Antonia
1584645 Mendoza Justin
2540946 Michael Leiah
753415 Nolan David
749740 O'Hara Dawn
1811557 Otis Michael
2463437 Pabon Janet
1639331 Pacheco Bianca
2045446 Passano Morganna
1902500 Patel Krupali
2582245 Pearson Brianna
2223802 Peasley Sarah
2578562 Perez Lina
2240667 Perogino Haley
2045359 Porreca Cristina
2458787 Renzi Nicole
1794893 Ricci Doreen
2484925 Richardson Leroy
774715 Rodrigues Cidalia
2464451 Rodriguez Cordero Xavier
1832698 Rollocks-Candelario Carla
2396217 Rooke Austin
1585589 Rooney-Sorrenti Sheralyn
774716 Rose Evan
1151541 Sabino Enrica
1081258 Salisbury Betsy
574374 Silverman Daniel
Simons Julia
706310 Sousa Brian
2309820 Straight Alexandria
1651483 Streeper Samantha
1290334 Tancredi John
1614610 Tougas Daniel
2354754 Turdo Crystal
715432 Vebber Karen
1633784 Ventura Diogo
2388891 Vicente Osorio Elena
2275925 Violette Debra
709459 Wagner Lynn
677751 Weiner Eric
2486120 Whaley George
2604836 Wiegert Matthew
571287 Xavier-Dacunha Karen
2618097 Yared-Rivera Sydney