Digital Documents

Replace your paper account statements and loan bills with easy, electronic and efficient Digital Documents.

With Free Digital Documents from BankNewport, You Can:

  • Receive an email notification when your Digital Statement and/or Loan Bill is available
  • Save electronically or print and file for your reference
  • Print the front and back of any processed check
  • View up to 7 years of account history
  • Ensure secure, electronic delivery of your documents

Enroll in Digital Documents

Get Digital Documents with Digital Banking

To enroll in Digital Documents you must be a Digital Banking customer.

Already a Digital Banking customer? Simply select the "Digital Documents" tab on your Accounts page. Digital Documents are also available on our Mobile App.

Not a Digital Banking customer? Enroll today to get Digital Documents and so much more!

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Your Business Can Do More with Digital Documents

  • Secure your documents, with no need to worry about lost or stolen mail
  • Receive email notifications when your statement is available
  • Access a minimum of 7 years of history
  • Automated reconciliation tool
  • PDF integration
  • Fastest way to get annual tax forms
  • Enhanced check image viewing and printing

Enroll in Digital Documents

Get Digital Documents with Digital Banking

To enroll in Digital Documents you must be a Digital Banking customer.

Already a Digital Banking customer? Simply select the "Digital Documents" tab on your Accounts page. Digital Documents are also available on our Mobile App.

Not a Digital Banking customer? Enroll today to get Digital Documents and so much more!

Enroll a Business

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Digital Document FAQs

What is Digital Documents?

Enrolling for Digital Documents will allow you to receive your entire account statement and/or loan bill electronically in place of your paper statement and/or loan bill. You will receive an email notifying you of when your statement and/or loan bill is ready. Digital Documents are available for consumer and business accounts.

Is there a fee for this service?

Your Electronic Statements and Loan Bills are produced in HTML format.  You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader to save them as a PDF.  This is available free of charge at

How do I start receiving my Digital Documents?

You must first enroll online for our free Digital Banking Service. Once you log in with your User ID and Password, you will then select the Digital Documents tab on your accounts page. Here you will read and accept the appropriate eSign disclosure, select View Digital Documents and accept the Digital Documents User Agreement. Once your account statement or loan bill is available, we will send you an email message.

How long are my Digital Documents retained?

Your account statements and loan bills will be available through Digital Documents incrementally each month after you enroll in the service. Statements and loan bills will be available for 7 years, and thereafter the oldest statement will be deleted when the most recent statement becomes available.

How can I print/save my statement and/or loan bill as a PDF?

  1. Log in to your Digital Banking account.
  2. Click on the Digital Documents tab.
  3. Once in Digital Documents, go to the document you wish to save.
  4. Click on the “Printable Version” link which will open the document in a new window.
  5. A “Print” dialog box will automatically open allowing you to print the document or save the document.
  6. To save your document, select “CutePDF” or “Save as PDF” as the printer destination and select “Save”.
  7. A “Save As” dialog box will pop up. Save your document with the name and location of your choice.

Can I view and print my check images with Digital Documents?

Yes, once enrolled in Digital Documents, you will have access to view and print your statement as well as your check images.

I have enrolled in Digital Documents and I’m not receiving my notification that my statement and/or loan bill is ready.

If you are not receiving your email notification, that’s because your email address within Digital Banking is incorrect. To check your email address, please log in to Digital Banking, select the Service Center button then select Change Email Address. Once you have corrected your email address, select Digital Documents from your Accounts page then select View Digital Documents.

Can I select which accounts and/or loans I receive electronically using Digital Documents?

When you sign up for BankNewport’s Digital Documents and Loan Bills Service through Digital Banking, you will be required to select the accounts that you wish to receive your periodic account statements or loan bills electronically.

I just enrolled in Digital Documents; will I see older statements and/or loan bills?

Yes, depending on when you opened your account or began your loan relationship with us, you may immediately see the last sixteen months of statements and/or loan bills.

Will joint account holders be able to view statements online?

Yes, joint account holders that are enrolled in Digital Banking will have access to Digital Documents once they accept the Digital Documents User Agreement.

Can I have my monthly notification sent to more than one email address?

No, your monthly notification will be sent only to the email address that is listed in your Digital Banking profile.

What happens if I change my email address?

You may update your email address by logging in to Digital Banking, selecting the Service Center button, then selecting Change Email Address. This will ensure that you will continue to receive timely notification from us regarding your Digital Documents.

How do I cancel Digital Documents?

You may withdraw your consent to receive your Statement and/or Loan Bills electronically by updating your Delivery Preference by selecting the Service Center; then eDocuments. Scroll to the bottom and change your preference, then select Accept & Update Preferences. You may also withdraw your consent by sending us a secure message from within Digital Banking. To send us a secure message, please select the Service Center button; select the Messages tab, then select Compose New to create your message. You may also contact Customer Service at 401.845.2265 or 877.709.2265 outside the Newport County area and one of our representatives will be happy to assist you. Customer Service is available Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Once you have canceled this service you will begin to receive your statement(s) or loan bill(s) by mail when the next statement and/or loan bill is ready. You will not automatically receive paper copies of your past statements and/or loan bills once you cancel the service. We recommend that you save your Statements and/or electronic loan bills prior to canceling this service. If you did not save them please contact Customer Service.

How will I receive my last statement if my account is closed?

If your account is closed, your final statement will be mailed to you in paper form to the physical address on file.